Sprays, Collars and Mirrors

Here you'll find some salon essentials such as hand held mirrors, cutting collars and spray bottles.
  1. Bob Tuo Standard Cutting Collar
    Out of stock
  2. Bob Tuo Original Cutting Collar
  3. Kodo Two Handed Black Mirror
    Out of stock
  4. Macintyre Lollipop Mirror Fuschia
  5. Macintyre Lollipop Mirror Black
  6. Macintyre Lollipop Mirror White
  7. Red Lollipop Mirror
  8. Round Mirror
  9. Macintyre Lollipop Mirror Purple
  10. Hair Tools Back Mirror
  11. Hair Tools Magnet-ize Cutting Collar
    Out of stock
  12. Hair Tools Haito Rubber Cutting Collar

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Salon Supplies from Arrow Hair and Beauty